God's Elect Ministries

We want to personally thank you for your donation to God's Elect Ministries. We’re humbled and honored you would bless us with your generosity. Donations like yours make a big difference in the work our ministry and in the lives of Men and Women of God who diligently labor for the Lord.

Without givers like you, our ministry could not have an impact or influence it does in making a difference in the lives of those we support in their ministry growth. Please know that every little bit helps. It’s more about coming together as a community united behind a common cause. We hope that you’ll consider making a donation, but if not we solicit your prayers as we continue to share the Gospel of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
God's Best Blessing be Upon You!  
To Give via our Online Form Click -->Ministry Support Donation 
CASH APP: $GodsElectMinistries 
VENMO:  @GodsElectMinistries